Olio Extra Vergine DOP del Chianti Classico
This limited and prestigious production of extra virgin olive oil is dedicated to the variety of olive, Frantoio, that has always been cultivated in the Chianti Classico territory
100% Frantoio
17.00 €
Castello di Brolio Monocultivar Frantoio, olio extra vergine del Chianti Classico DOP Distinctive traits: intense green and fruity hints, enveloping spicyness Harvest: the Frantoio was harvested exclusively by hand from mid-October 2020 to the beginning of November Conservation: the oil is immediately filtered in the company and stored until bottling in steel tanks with a controlled atmosphere without oxygen Bottling: 1600 bottles of 0.250 liter Chemical and organoleptic characteristics: Acidity = 0.22% (oleic acid) | Vitamin E = 241 mg/l
Tasting notes
Nice green colour, fruity-green nose with hwith aromas of cut grass and artichokes. Strong in the mouth, envelopingt and pleasantly pungent. Very persistent, with an aftertaste of green olives and almonds.
Barone Ricasoli S.p.A. Società Agricola – Sede legale: Piazza Goldoni, 2 – 50123 Firenze - Tel. +39 05777301 - Email. barone@ricasoli.it
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